If all the previous methods didn’t work we can try the last resort: clearing the data and cache for the Google apps built into the phone. To proceed, open the Settings app , go to the App menu (on Xiaomi we must also open the Manage app submenu ) and make sure to open the Google Play Store , Google Play Services , Google Services Framework , Android System WebView and the Download app.

If the problem persists it may be a good idea to restart your Android phone in safe mode and try updating apps in safe mode. If we have never restarted the phone in safe mode, just read our guide Restart Android in safe mode on every smartphone . If the restart of the connections has not solved, it is better to try to restart the device completely, in order to resolve any problems with the cache or connection “stuck”. To proceed, hold down the power button and press Restart to completely restart the device. Many times the problem is so trivial that it can be solved with a simple restart of the phone connection . To proceed, scroll down the notification bar and first deactivate the Wi-Fi connection, then the cellular data network connection (we can also use airplane mode to deactivate and reactivate both connections). Check the remaining phone memoryĪnother cause of not downloading apps and updates is insufficient residual space, a very common problem on Android phones with 64 GB or less of internal memory. To solve, we block the pending downloads by taking us to the Google Play Store app , we press the menu at the top right with the profile icon, we press on My apps and my games and finally we press on the single X of the blocked downloads. Now open the phone Settings app , let’s go to the Storage Space menu (on Xiaomi it is present in the System Info menu ) and activate the space cleaning modes, so as to free up the amount of space needed to install new apps and new updates. Inside the screen that opens, make sure that the voice On any network is active , so as to be able to download the apps even when we are connected under the cellular data network and prevent downloads from blocking them when we are away from home. After selecting the right item, press on Finish , go back to the Google Play Store, press the top right on the profile image, open the My apps and games menu and press the X next to the apps blocked waiting, so you can resume interrupted downloads. Unnecessary Application Updates Fill Android Smartphones